Employees appointed as persons responsible for ensuring transport security in the subject of transport infrastructure
5 days
Employees appointed as persons responsible for ensuring transport security at a transport infrastructure facility and (or) vehicle, and personnel of specialized organizations
8 days
Employees of a transport infrastructure entity, transport security unit, supervising the execution of work directly related to ensuring transport security of a transport infrastructure facility and (or) vehicle
10 days
Workers included in the rapid response team
10 days
Workers carrying out inspections, additional inspections, repeated inspections in order to ensure transport security
10 days
Workers conducting observation and (or) interviews to ensure transport security
10 days
Workers managing technical means of transport security
8 days
Employees of a transport infrastructure entity, transport security unit, performing work directly related to ensuring transport security of a transport infrastructure facility and (or) vehicle
3 days
Program (retraining) of rescuers (firefighters) of civil aviation aerodrome operators, airlines
32 days
Advanced training for rescuers (firefighters) of civil aviation aerodrome operators and airlines
6 days
Initial training of gas and smoke protection specialists SAEFS for civil aviation aerodrome operators and airlines
6 days
Training of emergency response managers for civil aviation aerodrome operators and airlines
6 days
Training SAEFS dispatchers (substitute dispatchers) of the operator of a civil aviation aerodrome, airlines
6 days